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This year has been unlike any other and we are certain you are ready to get through the holidays to a clean slate for 2021. Question is, have you made a marketing plan and budget for the new year?
Here are some things to remember which will make your marketing more pertinent. Whether you are just starting or are about to finish, you won't want to miss these ideas to help you get a great start in 2021!
Create a realistic plan for the upcoming year
Make sure you know your audience and how they prefer to receive communication
Look back at what worked in previous years, adjust accordingly to how your consumers have been impacted by COVID, and re-implement those strategies
Try adding one or two new strategies or tactics every other quarter and evaluate their effectiveness at the end of the year
Be honest with yourself and understand not everything works the first time
Craft your marketing plan in tandem with your annual budget. Marketing takes dollars to implement, so ensure you have enough budget for each tactic
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Often, there is much more to marketing than a Facebook page and billboard. Do research and engage a trusted partner (such as us!)
2020 taught everyone important lessons in marketing. Be honest, be transparent and most importantly, be thoughtful in messaging and the purpose for your marketing
There are so many unknowns for the next 12-14 months, but creating a plan, working the plan and understanding what works and what doesn't is always a great recipe for making an impact in the marketplace, driving leads, increasing brand awareness and ultimately, converting consumers.